Friday, September 13, 2013

Journal Entry #7

Hah!  You thought I was finished with my silly little journal entries didn't you? Well I guess I had you fooled. 

A little bird said that I might want to list a few of the books that I picked up from the library.  After all, they will become my life for the next few weeks and what else is a journal for but bearing your life for others to see?  Here are eight of my ten:

1 - Speaker for the Dead
2 - A Year of Writing Dangerously
3 - The 3a.m. Epiphany
4 - Notebook Know-how
5 - The Phantom of the Opera
6 - Descriptionary
7 - Characters and Viewpoint  (Orson Scott Card!)
8 - It was the best of sentences, it was the worst of sentences.  

There.  This is the end of Journal Entries.  Probably.