Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Journal Entry #5

All I read today were portions of two books on writing.  I was searching for answers to my plot problems.  Today my problem was in developing my antagonist. What makes an antagonist truly evil?  What kind of antagonist do readers love to hate?  What are the best goals a villain can have in order to produce loathing in readers?  I searched in Jerome Stern's "Making Shapely Fiction," which is a really great book, but it didn't give me what I wanted.  So I moved on to "Story" by Robert McKee, but I got bogged down and frustrated so I stopped.  I wasn't very focused. For some reason I walk on a tightrope in my writing life.  It's such a thin line for me between frustration, discouragement, and apathy, whereas the other side is a rewarding mix of joy, fulfillment, and purpose. The sun'll come out tomorrow though, bet your bottom dollar!

But actually I heard it would rain all day.  Hmm...


  1. I've read a lot of books about writing, writing fiction in particular. At their best, they can be inspirational, motivational, sensational.

    At their worst, they promote cookie-cutter approaches to art and mechanical or formulaic writing.

  2. I've read my share as well, good and bad. Any recommendations?
