Wednesday, September 23, 2020

At First

Love at first sight is a notion that the foolish espouse, the bitter scorn, and the wise cast off. To fall madly into love, or more often into passion, with another person is often a paper fire. It burns brightly and then burns out, leaving barely an ember of remembrance.

After all, I did not understand the true depths of love even when I stood at the alter and pledged my life to my husband-to-be. If I had seen ahead to our heartache, joy, anger, and the unfathomable contentment we would find in just the next five years, the weight of it would have swallowed me whole. But taken one day, one step at a time, we have plunged into a truer friendship and closeness than we could’ve known back when we stood in front of that arbor, making promises we would only understand in time. 

But I think there is an exception to that flippant, tired saying of - love at first sight. 

Because when they placed you in my arms for the first time, after praying for you for years, I heard your cry, looked down, and I loved you. I loved you more than life, I loved you with my soul. With your father by my side, our love was compounded and multiplied, made stronger and deeper and closer than before when we grew from two to three.

I didn’t need a second look, I loved you at first sight. You kindled a fire that will never go out - I’ll never doubt this, and you’ll never be alone as long as I draw breath on this earth we call a home.