Friday, September 5, 2014

The Lonely Dreamer

What a rascal you are! What a confusing creature!

Before I knew you, I thought I understood love. But I didn't - I had no idea.  Once I met you and came to love you though (slowly, over time), I learned what love really was. It was bread for the hungry and a smile for the heartbroken. It was pain that was worth it, it was joy that could be won no other way.

But now that we're comfortable, I learn once again that I know nothing of love at all.  I learn that everyone fights, everyone takes everyone for granted, every fire dies, and no one is truly always happy with their choice.

Can I accept that?

Or will I say goodbye and be a wandering poet, a lonely dreamer who will not sacrifice her vision for the truth.  Would I be a fool to refuse to lower to my expectations?

Or would I be a fool to lower them at all?